For many, a “good Christmas” means just getting through the holidays with minimal conflict. Clenched teeth make it hard to sing most holiday carols, so now is no time for confrontation.
Yet, John the Baptist stands as the Gospel’s necessary Advent precursor - God’s go-to man whose precise charge confronts us and bring us into conflict with ourselves.
“By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace,” declares John’s father, Zechariah.
His lyric song in Luke 1 provides a kind of pause, an interruption, in the narrative flow. Turn the page, and what’s next is the most-famous version of the Christmas story! That’s what we’re all so eager to get to this month. Who doesn’t want to jump straight into Luke 2 and once again see that manger, that baby, those exhausted young parents, those angels dancing in the night sky?