

Letter to the Editor: Who gets to eat a slice of the pie?

To the Editor:

It has come to my attention recently that another pie eating contest event was scheduled this year in Waukon January 29 to benefit “local veterans”. My understanding is that an individual associated with a veterans organization in Wisconsin organized last year’s and this year’s event.

In reviewing one of the Pie Championship flyers, the winners from last year were listed. However, there was no report of how much money was raised or specifically where the money went.

Also interesting is the fact (and, not an “alternative fact”) that our local veterans groups have not been involved.  Weren’t local veterans designated to receive the benefits?

Admittedly, I don’t know where the veteran responsible for organizing the Pie Eating Championships actually lives, and I don’t care.  However, without reports or records, I cannot help but wonder who is actually benefiting from these events.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that this is being written on Martin Luther King Jr. day, and I just noticed on TV that his son, Martin Luther King III, has just wrapped up an hour-long meeting with President Elect Donald Trump.

That’s ironic because we were told this morning that a couple dozen or more Democrats, including members of the Black Caucus, are refusing to attend the presidential inauguration later this week. One of them went so far as to say he will not recognize the president-elect as president.

And it is also ironic in that King Jr. is famous for his “I have a dream” speech, in which he hoped for a day when all would be treated equally, black and white. He was assassinated before that dream could be realized, and in fact in the 30 years since his “day” was proclaimed, and in particular in the last eight years, it seems the racial divide has increased instead of closing.


Word for Word 1/25/17

The prophet Isaiah writes in chapter 9, ‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.’

This bit of scripture was written to give hope to a nation that was in a state of turmoil and duress, a state that many might say our nation is in currently. Sometimes though we look at this prophetic writing and decide that it’s an either or. Either there is light in our lives or there is darkness. Either I am living into the light (and being ‘good’) or I am living into the darkness (and being ‘bad’).

Thomas Lloyd Qualls has a quote in Waking Up at Rembrandt’s that says, “Believing you are good is like believing in the half moon.”


Letter to the Editor: Some things you should know

To the Editor:

Tom Harkin is retiring, that’s good. He served New York, not Iowa.

Mr. Grassley congratulated Harkin on doing a great job. Harkin supported all the liberal ideas - abortion, same sex marriage, condoms in schools, Planned Parenthood and Obama’s health plan. He was for the Bible and Ten Commandments to be taken out of schools, for no more God in the Democratic platform, and for common core education, plus every evil liberal idea.

Harkin wanted to eliminate Iowa’s right to work law, he was the deciding vote on whether small meat processors or locker plant operators could go interstate with their meat products. The big union bosses instructed him to vote no.

What the hell was Grassley thinking with his remark?


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that I have never made New Year’s Resolutions. Always figured I was having enough trouble keeping promises more or less forced upon me, like the 10 Commandments and a slew of legal “don’ts.”

This year, I am tempted to resolve to learn a new word whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Example: Due to things involved with the holidays, I neglected to order more books for winter reading. I am addicted to reading, and when I am finished with one book, like any addict, I am wondering where my next book will come from, as others worry about their next hit or drink.


Wexford Wanderings

by Hugh E. Conway

Wexford School

Upon arrival, pioneer families first built a shelter, often in the form of a log cabin. Then, pioneer communities established the essentials for habitation, resources to survive, and a faith community with a church for worship. The family then reached out to nearby neighbors to set up and build a school allowing their children to get at least the rudiments of an education. Iowa has always been a state highly devoted to learning and the development of an effective education system.


Letter to the Editor: Reasonable solution

To the Editor:

They have this gender thing going on in North Carolina and Virginia in their schools. If certain students don’t know which restroom to use, my wife, Phyllis, has the solution: give them a porta-potty.
There would be very little cost to the taxpayer. What do you think?
Act kindly, act boldly and strong. Stay well.

Kindest regards
and God Bless,
Ozzie Quandahl

P.S. Has anyone else thought of that solution?


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that there is a single panel cartoon which appears in daily papers called “Pluggers.”

I appreciate it because I relate to it. Mostly, it features an old guy who relates to things of his youth much better than to anything modern.

I thought about that when a famous actress and her famous actress daughter died within a few days of each other recently.

“Mom” was a year or so older than I am and so was at her peak of popularity when I was of an age to appreciate her song and dance and blonde beauty. I saw most of her movies.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schiling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that there were frequently repeated television commercials during the holiday season by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They featured photos and stories about animals which had been abandoned or mistreated by their owners. I am certain the response was “how could anyone treat an animal that way?”

Weirdly, those commercials coincided with debate in many nations, including the United States, about treatment of Muslim immigrants.

And in my own case, with two books I was reading that described in great detail the mistreatment of groups of people because of their race.

China Dolls was written by Lisa See, and published by Random House in 2014.

The Invention of Wings was written by Sue Monk Kidd, and published by the Penguin Group at Random House, also in 2014.


Word for Word - Pastor Duane Smith

Happy New Year!

This is an exciting time of year! We look forward with great anticipation wondering what the year ahead will bring. We make resolutions that we fully expect to carry out but usually don’t. Most of these resolutions focus on our health (eating right, more exercise, losing weight, running marathons), attitudes (being happier, friendlier), relationships, giving up bad habits or vices, etc. One person’s New Year’s resolution was that they were going to stop making resolutions!


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