Robey Memorial Library's Summer Reading Program comes to a close, crowns top readers

The “Dig into Reading” Summer Reading Program (SRP) 2013 at Robey Memorial Library in Waukon came to an end in early August. Family Night kicked off the program July 8 and featured local story lady Sue Kiesau and her beloved puppets, including Bernie and Peanut Butter. A special highlight of the evening was Bob Kann of Madison, WI, who presented the program “Finding the Magic in Reading: Can You Dig It” in an effort to motivate kids to read through his storytelling, juggling and magic.
The Four-Week Reading Challenge ran from July 8-August 3. Prizes were given for each week of participation. “Library Champion” signs were given to children to display at their homes.
Three participants of the Teen Summer Reading Challenge read a total of 18 books, with the top reader being Carver Conway with his 10 books.
As in other years, the Kid’s Reading Challenge was divided into three categories of readers. In the four weeks of the program, 48 participants read a total of 952 books (Categories 1 and 2) and 23,623 pages (Category 3). The top three readers in each category are as follows:
Category 1: Infant-Kindergarten (number of books read) - Aiden Gerst (85 books); Addisyn Berns (76 books); Asher Gerst and Adele, Hugh and Hattie Conway (61 books).
Category 2: First grade-Third grade (number of books read) - Becker Bednarski and Natalie Byrnes (60 books); Lowell Fenton (27 books); Kaydyn Hagensick (24 books).
Category 3: Fourth grade-Sixth grade (number of pages read) - Miann Barr (5,111 pages); Logan Van Ruler (4,670 pages); Campbell Conway (4,547 pages).
Again this year, Experience Prizes were part of the SRP. Private tours were given by local businesses, organizations and city departments to top readers, along with their family/friends, giving the kids added incentive to read. Experience Prizes were donated by KNEI Radio (including an opportunity to talk on the radio), Micah Lynn Photography (including a fun photo opportunity), WW Homestead Dairy (including free ice cream cones), Bruening Rock Products, Allamakee County Museum, Waukon Fire Department (including a ride on a fire truck), and Waukon Police Department vehicle(including a ride through the City Park).
Winners of the Experience Prizes were Carver Conway, Aiden Gerst, Addisyn Berns, Natalie Byrnes, Becker Bednarski, Miann Barr and Logan Van Ruler.
Teen’s and Kid’s "Make and Take" was held each Wednesday afternoon during the SRP. A total of 95 children/teens participated in the craft projects. Weekly crafts for the kids included CD case terrariums, pet rocks, pompom hedgehogs and pipe cleaner spiders, and projects for the teens included bottle terrariums, pet rocks, paperback hedgehogs, and doodle bookmarks.
Tuesday Story Time continued each Tuesday morning from 10:30-11 a.m. with a total of 103 in attendance through the summer. Scheduled readers included Kirk Snitker, Sue Kiesau and library staff.
Robey Memorial Library, along with the other Allamakee County Library Association (ACLA) libraries, participated in the Allamakee County Fair Kid’s Day Friday, July 19. To promote the “Dig Into Reading” 2013 Summer Reading Program theme, the library had kids busy digging in a sand pile for buried treasure of quarters, provided by the ACLA, and sea shells, donated by Postville Library Director Cindy Berns. A total of 140 visitors stopped by the ACLA booth to participate in that activity or visit with a librarian.
Also, the Library Association hosted the program Steven Parker’s Fun Factory during the Allamakee County Fair. The 165 visitors in attendance enjoyed comedy, magic, illusions, ventriloquism, balloon sculpture and more.
