Waukon City Council addresses variety of items at regular session

by Dwight Jones

The Waukon City Council met in regular session the evening of Monday, November 2 with a full Council in attendance.
Under the Public Comments portion of  the meeting, resident Rose Ward addressed the Council, explaining that in August 2007 she was assaulted, resulting in a concussion, but no charges were ever filed, and she was wondering why. Police Chief Clark Bollman was not in attendance, and this was the first the Council had heard of the issue. They agreed to look into it and get back to her.
Moving on to Regular Business, Danielle Bucknell with the Waukon Wellness Center was back with the quotes she had received for snow removal at the facility, a carry-over from the previous meeting. She had received three quotes. The Council approved the hiring of Kruger Snow Removal at the rate of $42.80/hr. This includes salt and sand as needed. The snow is expected to be cleared by 4:45 a.m. so employees and customers can get to the building safely when it opens at 5 a.m.
The issue of mobile stop signs was again discussed. Mayor Keith Schroeder explained that he had received the contract from the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) for the three signs the City was requesting to use. They are expected to be used for approximately 90 minutes each morning and again in the evening to help with school traffic. The issue of who was going to place and remove them daily was then revisited.
Councilman Joe Cunningham explained that he had spoken with an individual that was interested in the job, but the entire Council seemed unsure as to how the terms of the “employment” would be considered in the event of an accident or injury. They agreed to check with the City’s insurance agent before proceeding. Until then, City employees will do the work.
City Attorney Jim Garrett then updated the Council on the ongoing attempt to get an expansion by Innovative Ag annexed into the city. However, he had little to tell other than the fact that, of the many signatures that were needed for easements, etc., only one had been obtained at this point. Until that has been taken care of, the rest of the work needed would likely have to sit “on hold”. Cunningham, Schroeder and Garrett agreed to continue to work toward getting the signatures, understanding that many of those that they need are coming from individuals who are very busy this time of year for various reasons.
Cunningham then explained that he, Councilman Dave Sanderson and the Mayor had been speaking with some parties regarding the acquisition of land that would allow for park recreation areas. Some work, including some surveying, was going to be needed. The Council gave Cunningham its support in continuing with the project.
The Council then approved a tax exempt application for Matt and Amy Garrett for the construction of a new single family home at 454 Fifth Street SE.
In closing, Mayor Schroeder updated the Council on a couple of ongoing matters, including that the sound testing planned near the Wellness Center was postponed until spring because they could not get the air conditioning system to kick on due to the current cooler fall weather.
