Community News


Intermittent closures on the Mississippi River Bridge at Lansing continue through this week ...

Those who drive on the Mississippi River Bridge at Lansing will need to be aware that intermittent closures on the bridge will continued throughout this week, weather permitting. The temporary closures were delayed by high river levels in June.

Construction crews will continue work on constructing a new pier and driving the pier foundation for the new bridge that will replace the current bridge. Intermittent closures of up to two hours will happen on the existing bridge between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to reduce vibration from construction activity and traffic, limiting the chance of damage occurring. Weather permitting, these closures will be done by this Friday, August 16. The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) will be updating the Lansing Bridge Facebook page with the approximate closure time a day in advance.


Allamakee Athletic Booster Club Appreciation Meal, Meet the Team Night for Waukon athletics slated for August 20

In support of Waukon Indian athletics ... Allamakee Athletic Booster Club board member Karen Frick (left) presents a donation check to Waukon High School Activities Director and Assistant Principal Brian Hilsabeck in the amount of $26,211.19. The donated funds represent the Booster Club’s support of the Waukon Indian athletic program and are used for such things as purchasing new uniforms or equipment, among other purposes. Those who want to provide their own sponsorship of the Allamakee Athletic Booster Club may do so by filling out the sponsorship form printed on Page 19 of this same edition of The Standard with their choice of sponsorship level and bringing it to the Community Appreciation Meal being hosted by the Booster Club Tuesday, August 20 at the Waukon High School in conjunction with the Meet the Team Night that will kick off this school year’s athletic seasons. The sponsorship form and funding can also be mailed to: Allamakee Athletic Booster Club, P.O. Box 283, Waukon, IA 52172. Submitted photo.

Gary Kroeger is featured speaker, all are welcome to provide Booster sponsorship

Waukon High School and the Allamakee Athletic Booster Club will be joining forces Tuesday, August 20 for the annual Community Appreciation Meal and Meet the Team Night Tuesday, August 20 at the Waukon High School. The event will begin at 5 p.m. with the Booster Club’s annual Community Appreciation Meal in the Waukon High School Cafeteria, with a guest speaker and the opportunity to meet the Waukon Indian fall athletic teams and watch them scrimmage.

The Community Appreciation Meal provides an opportunity for anyone to contribute a sponsorship to the Allamakee Athletic Booster Club (AABC). Those wishing to do so may fill out the form in the advertisement found on Page 19 in this edition of The Standard and bring it to Tuesday’s meal for a year-long sponsorship at any of the five funding levels also listed in the ad.


Intermittent closures on the Mississippi River Bridge at Lansing to resume this Thursday ...

Those who drive on the Mississippi River Bridge at Lansing will need to be aware that intermittent closures on the bridge will resume again this Thursday, August 8, weather permitting. The temporary closures were delayed by high river levels in June.

Construction crews will continue work on constructing a new pier and driving the pier foundation for the new bridge that will replace the current bridge. Intermittent closures of up to two hours will happen on the existing bridge between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to reduce vibration from construction activity and traffic, limiting the chance of damage occurring.

Weather permitting, these closures will be done by Friday, August 16. The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) will be updating the Lansing Bridge Facebook page with the approximate closure time a day in advance. There will not be any closures of the bridge this Friday, August 9 in consideration of Lansing Fish Days.


End of Watch: Ride to Remember to visit Sheriff’s Office Friday

The End of Watch: Ride to Remember rolling memorial honoring fallen law enforcement officers will be on display for the general public at the Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office this Friday, August 9 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Among those honored within the End of Watch display will be fallen Allamakee County Deputy Sheriff John Grampovnik, who passed away January 27, 2022 from complications as a result of contracting COVID-19 in the line of duty.

Deputy Grampovnik had served with the Allamakee County Sheriff’s Department for almost 25 years and previously served with the Waukon Police Department. He is survived by his wife, daughter, father, three sisters, and many nieces and nephews.

The End of Watch display will be at the Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office as part of Day 70 of a 73-day tour across the United States. More information is available at


Supervisors schedule appointing new County Treasurer at August 19 meeting, hear candidate and election overview regarding that office vacancy; Approval also given to low bid for courthouse network cable, security camera upgrade

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, August 5 to address a full agenda of matters including the consideration of setting a date and time for appointing a County Treasurer, discussion and consideration of bids for the CAT6 network cable and security camera upgrade work for the County Courthouse, and the consideration of new tandem truck chassis quotes.

The meeting was called to order by Board of Supervisors Chairperson Dan Byrnes with Supervisors Mark Reiser and Dennis Keatley present. There was no Public Comment during the time allotted for that agenda item.


Voters asked to fill all seven seats on the VMH Board of Trustees

Those interested in serving on the Veterans Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees must file the candidacy paperwork by August 28 to be on the November ballot

Allamakee County voters will have a unique opportunity in the coming November 5, 2024 General Election.

After voter approval in November 2022, Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) was transferred from City of Waukon ownership to ownership by Allamakee County. Per Iowa Code 347, a new board of trustees is required to be voted in and all trustee seats are up for election. The VMH Board of Trustees consists of seven members. Membership is open to any eligible resident of Allamakee County.

A board of trustees has many responsibilities, including but not limited to:


Allamakee County Veterans Museum open Friday, Saturday to view 1940s Waukon film, photos from Waukon Corn Days celebrations of years past

Photos of Corn Days from years gone by to be on display at Veterans Museum ... Photos above and below were submitted by the Allamakee County Historical Society and will be part of a display of Corn Day celebrations from years past in Waukon when the Allamakee County Veterans Museum is open during this year’s Waukon Corn Days event this Friday and Saturday, August 2-3. Pictured above, triplet siblings born to Delbert and Dorothy Fiet of rural Waukon in 1941 (pictured at birth in the photo at center) grew to be a Corn Days celebration attraction in their young years, as Barbara, David and Lorrayne display a sign telling their tale while being in costumes that certainly fit the reason for the annual celebration (photo immediately above). The photo below shows a winning Corn Day Parade entry from the 1930s created and entered by students under the tutelage of Marilla Amundson at Jefferson Township No. 3 School in rural Allamakee County. The entry created by the students is a replica of the Mitchell Corn Palace that is a tourist attraction in Mitchell, SD ( Submitted photos.

The Allamakee County Veterans Museum will participate in Waukon Corn Days 2024 with a video program showing both Friday, August 2 and Saturday, August 3. There will also be a photo display from Corn Days celebrations from past years (such as those pictured in the surrounding photos).

The movie filmed in downtown Waukon in the 1940s by the Cote family for the Town Theatre (top photo at right) will be played both of those days. See what Waukon was like in the 1940s, and identify relatives shown in the films while enjoying a nostalgic look back at period vehicles and dress with local scenes and businesses from that era.


Volunteers needed to help with Waukon Corn Days meal this Friday and Saturday in conjunction with Crazy Days

The Waukon Chamber of Commerce is seeking volunteers to assist with the serving of the meal associated with the annual Waukon Corn Days celebration scheduled for August 2-3 this year. The meal portion of the event is scheduled for Friday, August 2 from 4-8 p.m., and volunteers are being sought to help with serving the meal or handing out drinks during any of a trio of hour-and-a-half time-slot shifts of approximately 3:45-5:15 p.m., 5:10-6:45 p.m. or 6:40-8:10 p.m., with volunteers also needed for a clean-up shift following the street dance, from 11:15-11:45 p.m.

Those wishing to volunteer their time can either call the Waukon Chamber of Commerce office at 563-568-4110 or email


Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher celebrates 60 years of religious life

Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher...
Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher...

Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher recently observed 60 years of religious life during a celebration July 17 at the Sisters of the Presentation (Mount Loretto). She entered the Sisters of the Presentation in 1964.
Raised in a devout Catholic family, Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher’s upbringing instilled in her a deep sense of compassion and a commitment to serving others. From Cedar Falls to Dubuque, from Epworth to Guttenberg, Sister Suzanne’s passion for teaching and her visionary leadership have transformed the lives of countless students and families in the communities she has served.

As a teacher and principal in Catholic elementary schools, Sister Suzanne’s innovative approach to education emphasized the importance of art, music and hands-on learning. Under Sister Suzanne’s leadership, new programs were added including poetry and art appreciation, art and Spanish, guided reading, intensive phonics and content reading, along with an expanded music program.


Supervisors accept resignation of Allamakee County Treasurer Jennifer O’Neill, approve signing of NE Iowa Response Group 28E agreement

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, July 29 at the Postville Public Library as part of the board’s annual schedule of alternate meeting locations. The Supervisors addressed a full agenda of matters including a personnel matter relating to the County Treasurer’s office, consideration of signing the Northeast Iowa Response Group 28E Agreement and consideration of LP quotes. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan Byrnes with Supervisors Dennis Keatley and Mark Reiser present.


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