Community News


Return LMI surveys to City of Waukon by October 23 to help with possible grant funding

Waukon residents should have received a low-to-moderate income (LMI) survey within the past week, and they should complete and return that brief survey to the City of Waukon by Wednesday, October 23. The surveys can be brought into the Waukon City Hall offices at 101 Allamakee Street NW or left in the drop box near the side entrance door toward the back of the City Hall building. The survey can also be scanned in and emailed to
Waukon residents can also tape the completed survey to their exterior household door prior to 4 p.m. Wednesday, October 23 for collection by volunteers that evening. Anyone wishing to volunteer to collect the surveys is asked to call Waukon City Clerk Sarah Snitker at 563-568-3492 or email her at


Trick-or-Treat times established in Waukon

The Waukon City Clerk’s office reports that it has confirmed with the Waukon Police Department that the official trick-or-treat times within the Waukon community will be from 4-8 p.m. Halloween evening, Thursday, October 31. Area residents are asked to leave porch lights on to welcome trick-or-treaters. Youngsters taking part in the evening’s events are reminded to keep safety in mind while making their rounds.


Drahos & Wilker P.C. donates to Allamakee County Emergency Management to assist with emergency sheltering ...

Staff from Drahos & Wilker P.C., located in Postville, donated various items related to emergency shelter amenities as part of their involvement in the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) Month of Service. This year, Drahos & Wilker P.C. worked with the Allamakee County Emergency Management Agency to enhance its current sheltering capabilities, including pet sheltering during times of emergency. Allamakee County Emergency Management is working to ensure it has a ready supply of cots, bedding, towels, and other items available for temporary sheltering for up to 50 people until the American Red Cross would be able to set up sustained operations, if needed. This includes the ability to ensure sheltering can be provided for pets with a stock of various sized pet cages available for use by pet owners who may not have them, as well as to have other similar items to ensure safety during sheltering.


King of Grace Lutheran Church to host second annual Pumpkins in the Park ...

King of Grace Lutheran Church in Waukon will be hosting an event at the Waukon City Park Sunday, October 13 called “Pumpkins in the Park.” All community members are invited to join King of Grace Lutheran Church for an afternoon of fall fun at Waukon City Park in the Jaycee shelter from 2-4:30 p.m. that October 13 afternoon. There will be pumpkin decorating, games, a fall photo opportunity, treats, petting zoo, balloon animals and door prizes from local businesses. There will be free pumpkins to decorate and take home. This is a free event for all ages. Join in some community fun for the whole family. Check out the King of Grace Lutheran Church Waukon IA Facebook page for more information. Submitted photo.


Area veterans honored by Midwest Veterans of America ...

More than two dozen area military veterans were honored during an event hosted Saturday, September 14 at AJ Bar & Grill in Waukon in honor of U.S. Constitution Day, which is observed September 17 each year celebrating the signing of the U.S. Constitution September 17, 1787. The event was hosted by Midwest Veterans of America and included each of those veterans receiving a plaque and small American flag, in addition to rounds of applause and gratitude from the many in attendance for their years of service to their country. Many of those honored veterans are pictured in the photo at right, standing on the staircase at AJ Bar & Grill for a group photo, and many of their family members, friends and acquaintances were also in attendance to witness and share in their honoring. The event was emceed by retired U.S.


Incumbents re-elected to ACEC Board of Directors at 86th annual meeting

Jeff Bradley ...
Jeff Bradley ...
Nelson Converse ...
Nelson Converse ...
Jerry Keleher ...
Jerry Keleher ...

All three incumbents were re-elected to the Board of Directors at the 86th annual Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative (ACEC) Annual Meeting, held Monday, September 9. The meeting was held in a drive-through format again this year.

The Co-op had a record year of attendance, welcoming just under 300 vehicles. The board of directors and employees appreciate all members who voted for their board representatives and attended the drive-through. Each member had the opportunity to vote, receive a complimentary gift and take home a hot to-go meal.

Cooperative members who voted by mail or during the annual meeting drive-through returned the following incumbents to the board: Jeff Bradley, Wadena, from District B; and Nelson Converse, Postville, and Jerry Keleher, Elkader, from District C. The board of directors will elect board officers during its September 30 board meeting.


Volunteers needed to collect LMI surveys being filled out by Waukon residents in near future

Waukon residents will be completing a low-to-moderate income (LMI) survey in the coming weeks, and the City of Waukon is looking for volunteers to help collect the surveys. Waukon City Clerk Sarah Snitker plans to have the surveys mailed out to residents by the end of September, and she is seeking volunteers to help collect the surveys that Waukon residents will be asked to tape to their exterior household doors one night in October for convenience and in order to avoid household interruption, with that specific night yet to be determined.


Trick-or-Treat times established in Waukon

The Waukon City Clerk’s office reports that it has confirmed with the Waukon Police Department that the official trick-or-treat times within the Waukon community will be from 4-8 p.m. Halloween evening, Thursday, October 31. Area residents are asked to leave porch lights on to welcome trick-or-treaters. Youngsters taking part in the evening’s events are reminded to keep safety in mind while making their rounds.


Allamakee County youth compete in State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, Junior Division Team is crowned Overall Champion

Junior Division Champion Dairy Judging Team at State 4-H Contest ... The Allamakee County Junior Division Dairy Judging Team pictured above was crowned the Overall Champion Dairy Judging Team at the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest held at the Iowa State Fair Wednesday, August 7. Left to right: Coach Jason Danhof, Kendyl Wedo, Brielle Gavin, Naomi Palmer, Sophia Palmer and Zach Danhof. Not pictured: Coach Lars Sivesind. Submitted photo.

Allamakee County had eight 4-H’ers represented at the State 4-H Dairy Judging contest held at the Iowa State Fair Wednesday, August 7 in Des Moines. They made up two teams, one in the Junior Division and one in the Senior Division.

In dairy judging, youth evaluate classes of dairy cows and heifers and are then asked to defend their placings through oral reasoning. Youth learn the dairy cow unified scorecard and major breakdowns, anatomy of the dairy cow, along with dairy judging terminology.

The following youth participated in the 2024 Dairy Judging contest: Zach Danhof, Brielle Gavin, Naomi Palmer, Sophia Palmer and Kendyl Wedo in the Junior Division, and Landon Guese, Ethan Palmer and Norah Palmer in the Senior Division. The 2024 Allamakee County Dairy Judging teams were coached by Jason Danhof and Lars Sivesind.


Waukon Lions Club donates to ACSD Milk Program ...

Two of the global causes that Lions Clubs International focuses on are local youth and reducing hunger. Lions Clubs strive to help local youth to have healthy, productive lives and have access to nutritious foods. With this in mind, the Waukon Lions Club donated $600 to the Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) Milk Program Thursday, September 19. Donations such as this are made possible by the generous support the Waukon Lions Club receives from the community.

Pictured above at the check presentation to the Allamakee Community School District Milk Program are, left to right, Waukon Lions Club member Neal Daley, ACSD Food Service staff members Kay Gavin and Jessica Keenan, and Waukon Lions Club members Tom and Rosie Phipps. Submitted photo.


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