

Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Kathy Hay

To the Editor:

I am writing to address the letter in the August 30 edition of the paper written by Mr. Quandahl. I am confused. At the beginning of the letter he says that Jesus is his savior. I was expecting a letter about the love of Jesus for all and how our words and actions show that we have Jesus in our hearts.

Like the community coming together to feed our kids during the month of July when the school program doesn’t run. That’s love because we are feeding the hungry (Matthew 25:35-37).

Like the community coming together to raise money for medical and travel expenses when someone is battling cancer. That’s love because we are caring for the sick (Matthew 25:35-37).


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Ann Fields

To the Editor:

The GOP has the reputation for being the “fiscally conservative” party. Let’s examine the facts.

There are a total of 14 American presidents who have guided America from 1933 to 2020, seven Democratic and seven Republican.

Economic growth: The economy grew at an average rate of 4.6% under Democrats and only 2.4% under Republican presidents. Under Biden, the economy has grown three times faster than under Trump.

Recessions: Ten of the past eleven recessions began under Republican presidents.

Balanced budgets: Only three presidents had a balanced budget - Carter, Clinton and Obama.


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Osmund (Ozzie) Quandahl

To the Editor:

Last week, I drove to Elkader with the special purpose of visiting Pastor Dave Andreae at the Elkader Nursing Home. I was glad to see he was better than I expected, so we had a good 30-40 minute visit.

I headed back from Elkader to Waukon with a short stop at Walz Feed Lot and a short visit with Mike Walz. The feed lot is full with 10,000 head and farmers on the waiting list.

Going north through Monona, as I was exiting the town, I guess I sped up too soon. The next thing I know, I was pulled over by the Monona Police. He said I was 12 miles over the 25 limit. I was held up over 30 minutes. I think he was very new to the job, and I know it is hard to find and hire new police in many places. I feel I was being unnecessarily harassed. I know, for sure, I was not putting anyone’s life at risk.


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Ann Hart

To the Editor:

I attended Rep. Ashley Hinson’s town hall in Waukon August 16. I expressed concerns about the environment and poor water quality in Iowa. Hinson told us that water quality and soil health is improving.

She reviewed from her notebook of talking points the initiatives her Republican caucus is pushing, which is primarily promoting fossil fuels and less government regulation. You may recall Republicans celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency can no longer regulate some bodies of our nation’s waters.


Word for Word 8/30/23

Pastor Laura Gentry
Pastor Laura Gentry

“Be not far from me, for trouble is near, and there is no one to help.” - Psalm 22:11

I’ve been a pastor for almost 25 years and in this capacity I have accompanied many suffering people. I’ve borne witness to all kinds pain - physical, emotional and spiritual. Sometimes the sufferer will cry out to the Lord in exasperation and even anger, wondering why they feel so alone.

In June, I was in a car accident serious enough to warrant a med flight and a nine-day hospital stay. I’m grateful that I survived and that my injuries, though serious, are healing. Before this experience, I don’t think I understood just how difficult it is to be the patient. It was quite an education and I can tell you that the view from the hospital bed is very different from the one next to it. It’s the worst.


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Mark Jacobson

To the Editor:

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, killing 128 people every day (one person approximately every 11 minutes). For each death, another 25 people attempt suicide.

The following D.A.N.G.E.R. signs can help you identify a person who might be at risk for suicide:

D-DEPRESSION: Over half of the time, a suicidal person is experiencing depression. Clinical depression is a serious medical illness affecting mood, concentration, activity level, interests, appetite, behavior and physical health.

A-ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE INCREASES: Alcohol and drugs may seem like a good way to manage difficult feelings and situations, however, substance use usually acts to mask the underlying problem which grows worse because it’s not being addressed. Alcohol is a depressant and it reduces judgment and impulse control - a lethal combination for someone who is considering self-harm.


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Karen Pratte

To the Editor:

Nearly 500,000 children headed back to public school this week. And, many of our friends and neighbors headed back to work as bus drivers, cooks, custodians and teachers.

Our public schools give our children a great education and an opportunity to succeed and achieve their full potential. We know that, especially in rural communities like ours, our public schools are the heart of our community.

Unfortunately, Gov. Kim Reynolds, State Representative Anne Osmundson and State Senator Mike Klimesh chose  to weaken our public schools by giving taxpayer money to private schools ($7,635 per student who were approved for Vouchers).


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Osmund (Ozzie) Quandahl

To the Editor:

First, let’s get this straight; I believe Our Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior and Savior of the world. I also believe the Devil is alive and well, and he tempts everyone - clergy, teachers, bankers, farmers, you name it. The Devil has taken a very strong hold in the U.S.A. Church attendance is down.

Sunday morning should belong to the Lord, not an option - a must, period.

Now, let’s track down the many things the Devil has promoted. In the 1960s, the Clergy was forbid from being involved in politics or they would lose the tax exemption. Then they removed the Bible and everything Christian from our schools. The Devil walked in and took over the Department of Education and they indoctrinate instead of educate; I guess they called it Sex Ed.


Word for Word 8/23/23

Fr. John Moser
Fr. John Moser

Last week we read the story of Glenn McCune, a reluctant hero. It is a remarkable story of heroism and willingness to sacrifice for others. As I read his story, I was reminded of the people in my life who I consider heroes: those who walked a path of holiness and wholeness. These are the individuals who put their faith, hope, charity and love into action; people who in one way or another were and are Jesus to me.

In Matthew’s gospel Jesus presented a judgment scene to his disciples, “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne. … Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’” MT 25:31, 34-36


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Steve Paul

To the Editor:

August 16, I attended U.S. Representative Ashley Hinson’s town hall held at the Veterans Museum in Waukon. Hinson’s selected venue and her office’s invitation to Veterans were to give the impression that she supports Veterans. Unfortunately, Hinson’s voting record demonstrates that she actually votes against Veterans.

Examples of her voting against Veterans are the EVEST Act of 2022 and Honoring our PACT Act of 2022. Hinson cast a “no” vote to these important bills.

The EVEST Act (Ensuring Veterans’ Smooth Transition Act) automatically enrolls Veterans into the Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system when their active duty ends. This bill eliminates red tape, the waiting period for approval and any gap in Veterans having their health care needs met. Thanks to Democratic Representatives and a few Republican Representatives, EVEST Act is now law.


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