

Letter to the Editor: Hang your heads in shame

To the Editor:

Whomever is removing the bronze flag holder medallions and/or staffs from Veterans’ gravesites should hang your heads in shame. If you desire something “free,” I encourage you to contact me for free counseling.


Carl R. Christianson


And then I wrote…

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


... that I remember when I was a member of the basketball team at my parochial high school, and we played lots of other Catholic school teams, there were some players who made a habit of making the Sign of the Cross before shooting a free throw. And I remember thinking then that probably God doesn’t give a God ... er, ah, you know ... whether or not you make that free throw. But it can’t hurt.


Letter to the Editor: Highly entertained by “Anything Goes”

To the editor:

Last night (November 8) Waukon was treated to a voyage of high seas entertainment from the cast and crew of “Anything Goes.” Leading the way was hands on hips and attitude forward Sarah Gruman as Reno Sweeney.  She sparkled as she belted out the best of Cole Porter.


Letter to the Editor: Get their act together

To the Editor:

A week ago from the day I am writing this letter, Armistice Day, November 11, we had an election and it went pretty much conservative, which I like. My concern is that it could be too late - the liberals have broken us morally and financially. Too many bottom feeders and not enough producers and taxpayers, and the last six years have been terrible.


And then I wrote…

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


... that it’s beginning to look as if we are going to have winter again this year. Trees have shed their leaves for the most part, and what remains are “bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang,” as Shakespeare wrote.



Letter to the Editor: Msgr. Lechtenberg praying for Schilling

To the Editor:

In response to Dick Schilling’s column published October 29.

I pray for your peace of mind and soul, Dick!

The Catholic Church is not going to change its teaching on marriage, family and sexual morality.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Word for Word

by Rev. Kevin Smith


Letter to the Editor: Bullying policy not being enforced

To the Editor:
I think we need to take a close look at our schools. When schools preach about their “No Bullying Policy” and fail to follow through with it, we need to look into why. If students are still allowed to bully and humiliate other students without consequences because of who they are, what their last names are or who their parents are, we are sending a strong message of  “this policy does not apply to you,” and we are failing as a community for allowing this to happen.
Something needs to be done about this before another young life is taken. I feel cell phones should not be allowed in schools. A change needs to happen now. When parents feel compelled to drive their children 20-plus miles to a different community to go to school because of what’s going on in their own school, there should definitely be cause for concern.

Carmen Lee


To the Editor: Restore pride in our town - fix the streets

To the Editor:
In the past five years or so, the city of Waukon has managed to considerably expand and remodel its high school, build a wellness center, which includes a senior citizens facility and a community college, build a new fire station and completely reconstruct two streets.
It would seem that a community that is able to afford these improvements ought to be able to provide at least a minimum standard for maintenance of its streets. While state highways through town have been well maintained, the rest of our streets have been generally neglected.  Driving on too many of our streets is like negotiating  an obstacle course. As the dips, bumps and potholes remain unfixed, our streets are an embarrassment to our community.


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