

Word for Word

by Rev. Kevin Smith


Letter to the Editor: Bullying policy not being enforced

To the Editor:
I think we need to take a close look at our schools. When schools preach about their “No Bullying Policy” and fail to follow through with it, we need to look into why. If students are still allowed to bully and humiliate other students without consequences because of who they are, what their last names are or who their parents are, we are sending a strong message of  “this policy does not apply to you,” and we are failing as a community for allowing this to happen.
Something needs to be done about this before another young life is taken. I feel cell phones should not be allowed in schools. A change needs to happen now. When parents feel compelled to drive their children 20-plus miles to a different community to go to school because of what’s going on in their own school, there should definitely be cause for concern.

Carmen Lee


To the Editor: Restore pride in our town - fix the streets

To the Editor:
In the past five years or so, the city of Waukon has managed to considerably expand and remodel its high school, build a wellness center, which includes a senior citizens facility and a community college, build a new fire station and completely reconstruct two streets.
It would seem that a community that is able to afford these improvements ought to be able to provide at least a minimum standard for maintenance of its streets. While state highways through town have been well maintained, the rest of our streets have been generally neglected.  Driving on too many of our streets is like negotiating  an obstacle course. As the dips, bumps and potholes remain unfixed, our streets are an embarrassment to our community.


To the Editor: Wireless technology is not "green"

To the Editor:
I see in the October newsletter of an area business that they are claiming they have “gone green” in the boardroom. They are basing this claim on the fact that they have supplied each board member with an iPad. An iPad is a wireless device that uses man-made microwave radiation that man is massively producing and emitting into our environment. It is a major pollutant and company money was used to buy a device for each board member. This device is a massive contributor to polluting and destroying our environment.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Letter to the Editor: Why you should vote yes for a new jail

To the Editor:
As many are aware, a bond referendum for a county safety center is on the November 4th ballot. I urge everyone to vote yes.
Why should you vote yes for the $4.9 million referendum? Primarily because it’s the least expensive option for Allamakee County. It sounds outrageous, but compared to the other option of out-of-county jailing, the referendum will result in significant long-term savings for our county. Our property taxes will increase no matter what decision is made, but if the referendum passes, the increase will be consistent and will drop when the bond is paid off. The out-of-county jailing costs are going to grow exponentially each year – at least $400,000 will need to be added to the Sheriff’s budget the first year of out-of-county jailing.


Letter to the Editor: Choose candidates who will keep us a free people

To the Editor:
Will you Vote? And Why?
What do you believe?  What do you believe in?
Does the Constitution play a part in how you choose to vote?
Election Day is only a few days away.  Do you plan to vote? Have you thought about why you are voting? What do I believe and does that make a difference in choosing whom I cast my vote for?
America was formed by a group of men who knew what it was like to live under a king. The king made the rules. The citizens of the country had little choice, if any, on how they were going to live out their lives. They had no hope that their lives would ever become any better for themselves or their families. Their job was to work and pay taxes to the king who lived very well. They, in return, had very little. To protest would mean prison. Their hope was to find a place that they and their families might live, would be free to worship the God of their choice and enjoy the fruits of their labor.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Word for Word

by Pastor Duane Smith


Word for Word

by Pastor Duane Smith


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