

And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that I have admitted here before that I am a fair weather fan. When the team for which I am rooting falls far behind, I am likely to find something else to hold my interest.

Some folks are just the opposite.

A classic example is Pat Hughes, who does the radio play-by-play of Chicago Cubs games. Thanks to the AM radio station in Elkader, I am able to listen to Pat for most games, and even when they are televised, I will mute the TV feed and listen to Pat. He is the ultimate Cub fan, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of the team, past and present.

When the Cubs are losing by a lopsided score, Pat will suggest “there is lots of baseball yet to play,” which always causes me to snort. So I did when the Cubs fell behind 9 to 1 after two and a half innings in a recent game, and still trailed 10-2 after six innings.


Letter to the Editor: Disappointed and concerned

To the Editor:

Based on the opinions expressed in the Viewpoints section of The Standard, I am very concerned about the constant themes that are being sent to young readers in their formative years. Although I value diversity of opinion and appreciate those perspectives which are markedly different than mine, I am saddened that a large number of messages are present in The Standard which are reactionary and offensive.

Comparing Democrats to the devil and accusing them of murdering in order to achieve their goals, assuring your readership that ‘liberal’ is a dirty word, and routinely presenting far right opinions as fact is doing your readership a disservice. Where is the enlightenment that can come only from an unbiased presentation of information, from multiple viewpoints which challenge and encourage growth?


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that I spent considerable time watching the Masters golf tournament telecast from Augusta, GA over the weekend.

I have done so pretty much every year since my stay at the aviation ground officer’s school in Jacksonville, FL. Some of my fellow officers were considering making the trip to try to join the gallery, but decided against it. However, they sold me on the beauty of the venue and the tournament, and I became interested even though I had never struck a golf ball in anger at that time.

So, that was before my move to northern California, where I took up the sport with a vengeance. And long before lowan Zach Johnson was able to don the green jacket early this century.

What attracted me was the botanical garden beauty of the setting.


Letter to the Editor: Playing sports for more than a scholarship

To the Editor:

Many parents across America are trying to live the dream through their sons and daughters. It’s a popular dream: Land a college athletic scholarship by prioritizing traveling sports teams or specializing in a single sport year-round.

Unfortunately, most of these dreams are never realized. The odds of a sports scholarship paying for even a portion of a student’s college education are miniscule.

The College Board, a not-for-profit organization comprised of 6,000 of the world’s leading educational institutions, reports that a moderate budget for college students who attend a public university in their state of residence is $25,290 per year. The annual average budget at a private college checks in at $50,900.


Letter to the Editor: Inspired by the devil

To the Editor:

Are you proud to be a Democrat or are you very discouraged and disappointed? Following are a few things that should make you pause and think.

The Dems are superior when it comes to twisting words and the truth and are very ruthless regarding the end justifies the means. There is no end to the wrong they will do and it’s a big part of what is wrong with the U.S. today. The sad part is some Republicans help them.

Planned Parenthood is one of their brainchilds - and it’s a great downfall to the USA, murdering children by the millions and even selling baby parts. Father Burke said Pelosi and Harkin should be forbidden to take communion because of their support of Planned Parenthood. The Dems tried to force the Sisters of the Poor to provide condoms, I call that bullying.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that in The Waste Land, poet T.S. Eliot describes April as “the cruelest month.” It’s early yet, but that could be true this year. At any rate, spring will be a little late this year.

I think I am right, and that justices of the Supreme Court take the oath of office which includes the phrase “support and defend the constitution of the United States.” So it is confusing to me how retired justice John Stevens could advocate doing away with the second amendment.

And how sitting Justice Ruth Ginsburg could warn the Egyptians not to base their first constitution on the flawed American model.

In other words neither supporting nor defending.

There’s an old saying in farm country that you never want to confront a pig in a muddy sty, because after the conflict, you will wind up muddy and dirty, and the pig will have enjoyed it.


Word for Word 4/11/18

Msgr. Ed Lechtenberg
Msgr. Ed Lechtenberg

For your meditation:
Acts 4:32-35
I John 5:1-6
John 20:19-31

These scriptures are all echoes of the Good Friday catastrophe and the East Triumph.

The gospel, even though it is a post-resurrection event, is still in the mood and feeling of Good Friday because the apostles and particularly  Thomas, Doubting Thomas, still have not accepted the fact that Jesus has really, really risen from the dead.

The first reading, on the other hand, is definately in the upbeat mood and feeling of Easter. “The community of believers were of one heart and one mind.” “With power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great respect was paid to them all.”

Quite a change, eh, from the Eleven hiding out in the Upper Room. “Where they were for fear of the Jews.”


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that when northeast Iowa escaped the heavy snow experienced by many other areas of the state, with up to a foot or more of snow while we had nothing. I admit to the feeling that the Germans have a word for, schadenfreude, that is, enjoying the misfortune of others. So many times in a normal winter, it is the other way around, and we get the snow while they do not.

But then, this morning I heard the forecasts for the Easter weekend, which included the possibility of more snow somewhere around here, perhaps an April fool trick on us?

Easter is a moveable feast, and weather can range from a snow storm to a summer day, no matter whether Easter is early or late.

Speaking of Easter, I saw a story about a book for children written by the vice-president’s wife and their daughter, about their pet rabbit.

Nobody could object to a book for kids, right?



Word for Word 4/4/18

Pastor Steve Oden
Pastor Steve Oden

Do you think after Jesus’ resurrection it got the attention of at least the 500 that were eyewitnesses? He is still getting our attention 2000 years later!   The resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is by far the greatest event of all human history.

When you face the fire, it’s tremendously helpful to follow the footsteps of someone who has made it through. Upcoming speaker at New Life Christian Church, May 5, 7 p.m., Pastor Meka Dany will give testimony of God’s divine intervention in the darkest of circumstances. His story has encouraged and inspired countless people to face their own trials with confidence in God. Jesus assured us that we would all have troubles in this world but that we could rest in His victory.


Letter to the Editor: Show me the money

To the Editor:

Republicans passed a new tax bill in December. It was to bring money to the working class.

An example close to home is Walmart’s bonus plan. Interesting to note: you had to be with the company for at least 20 years to receive the full $1,000 bonus. The average length of Walmart employment is 3.3 years. That bonus was only $250. This does not cover what those workers are going to have to pay to cover the cuts in federal spending made up in an increase in state and local taxes and the increase to their health insurance premiums.

This was a one-time bonus for workers. Yet, the Walmart corporation will be reaping between $1 and $2 billion every year in tax savings from this new tax bill. There is no condition or rule in the bill that ensures that the corporations must secure additional gains for their workers with those tax savings such as wages keeping up with inflation, coverage for health care insurance, and more.


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