

Letter to the Editor: Passover Night

To the Editor:

From Mitzrayim we fled that night
‘midst wails and cries of panic and fright.
Through the lamb’s blood on the door we went
our God was with us as we were sent

into the desert with silver and gold
from neighbors in Egypt, we were so bold
to demand our wages for 400 years
of backbreaking labor and scores of tears.

The lamb that lived in our homes for four days
was taken and slaughtered to show us God’s ways.
This Passover lamb was our awe-filled salvation
with his blood on the doorposts to make us a nation.

The flies and the frogs were warm-ups, you see,
from this night of the death angel you cannot flee.
The Egyptians knew not of the lamb’s sacrifice
that began our journey to paradise.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that National Geographic recently devoted a large part of an issue to the habits and routes of migratory birds. I was disappointed in the amount of attention it paid to the Mississippi River flyway. Some of the birds brilliantly photographed for the article are very familiar to eastern Iowans, and presentation of the map of flyway routes was very detailed. But somehow, this area seemed to be underplayed in the magazine.

I was reminded of that when I was treated to a recent afternoon’s tour of the highway from Lansing to New Albin, and then down what we always called the Army Post road through the wildlife refuge to the Minnesota (I think) slough boat landing.


Letter to the Editor: Acknowledging contribution to St. Patrick›s Day

To the Editor:

We want to send a quick note to acknowledge and show appreciation for EARL transit and the Irish Express (Wayne Kelly) and their drivers for providing a safe, cheap transportation alternative for citizens and visitors alike during the Waukon St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Your commitment to keeping everyone safe did not go unnoticed and it’s greatly appreciated!

Chief Phil Young and the entire Waukon Police Department


Letter to the Editor: Remember, when you vote

To the Editor:

What should matter? Each and every one of us matter.

It should not matter if you are a homeowner or a large money company, we should all be treated equally, fairly and with respect.

It should have mattered that the property line was the same for 112 years.

It should have mattered that in 1989 the City of Waukon, with an annexation, accepted the property line as it was since the late 1800s. Then, 22 years later, they say it is wrong. The other two changes in 30 years did not change the property line.

It should have mattered that the property owner took care of and paid property tax on that same property.

It should have mattered that the property owner was still paying property tax on that property after it was sold and the earth was being moved. Calling about this, I was told, legally, they can not change it for a year. Then how could it have been sold, legally, within that year?


Letter to the Editor: Where there’s a will, there’s a way

To the Editor:

I took special note of the story of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Lansing (The Standard, March 14, 2018), which adopted a new welcome and belief statement to include all people, especially those in the LGBTQ community.

To this church’s credit, they want to include all, and to show Christ’s love to all segments of society. Too often, even within church walls, many can feel left out.

However, in regard to the church’s response to those with a homosexual lifestyle and those in the LGBTQ community, I believe the truths in the Bible must also be proclaimed.

There are certain verses in the Bible (specifically, Leviticus 20:13 in the Old Testament and Romans 1:26, 27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 in the New Testament) which condemn homosexual practices in no uncertain terms. Is it right for our churches to not mention these parts of Scripture, but instead just celebrate “the wonderful differences in all God’s people”?


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that spring has arrived on the calendar at least. There are signs elsewhere, too. I saw a robin. And a noisy flock of geese passed southwest to northeast, I suspect some of them complaining because there was still some snow on the ground this far north.

In past years, I would be thinking about gardening and golfing, but that’s in the past at my advanced age.

Instead, I spent time over the weekend watching the PGA event in Florida which featured the return to significance of Tiger Woods. I know how significant it was because the announcers on the Golf channel and NBC kept telling me how great it was that he was back.

And telling me.

And telling me.

Ad nauseam.

Tiger didn’t win, but played well enough to tie for second.

I will bet more than 75% of those who watched could not tell you today who won, because the announcers didn’t talk about anybody else.


Word for Word 3/21/18

Rev. Kim Gates
Rev. Kim Gates

Lent + Holy Week = sackcloth-n-ashes, deprivation/sacrifice/abstinence/fasting, prayer, prayer-n-more prayer, additional Bible reading/study, service/alms-giving, dirgey music, foreboding/darkness… Sound like ‘fun’ to you?

The way some people view Lent you might think they’re headed for a severe depression but that’s not the goal at all! The goal is to follow the proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel” to a new and better ‘you’ in a deeper and better relationship with God. And of course the ‘light’ we’re to be following is “The Light of the World” i.e. Jesus the Christ.


Letter to the Editor: A higher moral standard is needed

To the Editor:

Just over a month ago we had a tremendously sad happening. February 15, there were 17 people shot dead in Florida. The entire nation is deeply concerned for that great loss. Just imagine having one of your family shot down while at school.

Now the politicians are talking, some want gun control. Those gun haters are the same people that wanted the Bible and all Christian principles out of our schools - I say thereby lowering the moral standard.

Our public schools promote sports on Sunday morning, that means our young people miss Sunday school, Bible study and church service. How sad! Our young people need Christian training when they are highly impressionable; even if they fall away from Christian living in later years, they would have a Christian knowledge to fall back on.

I’ll guarantee you that we all will be knocked to our knees sometime in our life. That’s when we will look to Jesus for help and strength.


Letter to the Editor: Questions about boat ramp enhancement

To the Editor:

Why does a town of 952 inhabitants (Lansing) need a two million dollar enhancement to the public boat ramp?

Who is going to pay for this? I sure hope it is Cabela’s and the out-of-state promoters of the fishing tournaments utilizing the facility every weekend.

Currently, the parking lot is crushed rock and the majority of the vehicles that pull boats are pick-up trucks, and they are OK with gravel. The ability to launch three boats at once seems to be enough. Who would think it’s a good idea to pave and build a building in a flood plain?

Mike Ryan
Harpers Ferry



Letter to the Editor: Passover represents Yahshua

To the Editor:

This year, Passover starts Sunday evening, March 31 and ends April 1, the same days as Easter. That rarely happens.

Passover is the first of three feast days that our Heavenly Father requires us to honor Him by commemorating them. They are holy days and no work is to be done on those Sabbath days of rest. The twenty-third chapter tells how to spend those days. Passover is not a Sabbath day, but the next day and the seventh day are holy Sabbaths and are called feast of unleavened bread. Bread or anything else with yeast in it is not to be eaten on those seven days because of what happened during Passover back in the Book of Exodus, chapters 1-13. Leaven represents sin.


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