

Veterans Memorial Hospital Baby Coupon Book in development

Each year, Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in Waukon compiles a Baby Coupon Book made up of over 60 coupons from various businesses within and beyond Allamakee County. The coupons are given to each and every family that delivers a baby at the hospital throughout that year. The hospital coordinates this coupon book in an effort to assure all babies, - and not just the first baby - born at the hospital are treated extra special.

The book contains a variety of businesses who offer a discount, gift certificate, free item or free meal to the mom or baby. Veterans Memorial Hospital then designs and prints the book and shares one validated copy with each family that delivers their baby at the hospital in that given year. There is no cost to the business to participate, other than what they have included in their coupon, once and only if it is redeemed.


Diabetes Support Group will not meet in December

The Veterans Memorial Hospital Diabetes Support Group will not hold a regular meeting in December, but will resume its monthly meetings in January with the next scheduled meeting Thursday, January 16.

For more information on the Diabetes Support Group, call Angie Mettille, RN, Diabetes Educator at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.


Keep the holidays healthy; Annual flu vaccination protects individuals and loved ones

Flu, pneumonia and COVID vaccinations available at VMH ... Annual flu vaccination protects individuals and loved ones, especially during the holiday season. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) reminds Iowans that an annual flu vaccination is the best way to protect them and their loved ones from the flu. As people gather together for holiday meals and parties, they’re more likely to spread illness around. Receiving the flu vaccine will help everyone stay healthy to enjoy all the festivities. Appointments for receiving flu, pneumonia, COVID, and many other vaccines can be made by calling Veterans Memorial Hospital Community & Home Care-Allamakee County Public Health at 563-568-5660. Submitted photo.

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) reminds Iowans that an annual flu vaccination is the best way to protect them and their loved ones from the flu. As people gather together for holiday meals and parties, they’re more likely to spread illness around. Receiving the flu vaccine will help everyone stay healthy to enjoy all the festivities.

This is especially important during family gatherings that infants, those with chronic diseases, or elderly individuals might attend. Infants younger than six months of age are not old enough to receive the influenza vaccine, so they are at a higher risk of catching the flu from someone else and they have the highest chance of being hospitalized if they get ill. Anyone with flu-like symptoms during the holidays must stay home and away from others.


Veterans Memorial Hospital Ambulance Service receives Community Foundation Grant for new radio system

New radio system now in use ... The Veterans Memorial Hospital Ambulance Service was awarded $18,000 by the Allamakee County Community Foundation last summer for the purchase of a new radio system, referred to as Ambulance Communication Interoperability Enhancement. Thanks to these grant funds, the EMS service has experienced great improvement with radio communications with local law enforcement and neighboring EMS services, as well as other public safety resources throughout the state of Iowa. Pictured above is Dave Lyons, RN Paramedic, in the ambulance using one of these radios. Submitted photo.

The Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Ambulance Service was awarded $18,000 by the Allamakee County Community Foundation last spring for the purchase of a new radio system, referred to as Ambulance Communication Interoperability Enhancement. The hospital matched the nearly $5000 remaining dollars to purchase this new system which has now been installed.


National Handwashing Week observed December 1-7; CDC provides recommendations

This is National Handwashing Week. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends washing hands to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. The recommendations for effective handwashing and use of hand sanitizer were developed based on data from a number of studies.

People often get sick when they make contact with germs from feces on their hands. These kinds of germs can get onto hands after people use the toilet or change a diaper, but also in less obvious ways, like after handling raw meats that have invisible amounts of animal feces on them. A single gram of human feces - which is about the weight of a paper clip - can contain one trillion germs.


“Gnome for the Holidays” at the 33rd Annual Christmas Fantasy 2024

Decorated Christmas trees at Christmas Fantasy ... The VMH Health Care Foundation’s 33rd Annual Christmas Fantasy drew many “Gnome” fans at the event held November 15-18, hosting 57 decorated Christmas trees and displays decorated by local individuals, businesses, organizations and classes, and each had a local person or business sponsoring it as well. Submitted photo.

Silent auction items on display at this year’s event ... A record of 140 silent auction items, some of which are pictured above, were donated to this year’s Christmas Fantasy. The Foundation expresses its appreciation to the hundreds of people who decorated or contributed in some way to make this community event so successful. Submitted photo.

The 2024 Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation’s Christmas Fantasy drew huge numbers at the events and viewing of the large numbers of Christmas trees and record number of silent auction items on display. The event was held November 15-18 at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion, and was a huge success thanks to all of the overwhelming community involvement.

A record number of auction items were donated to this year’s Fantasy by area businesses and individuals.  The 140 auction items were displayed and auctioned on a silent auction bid to the highest bidder Monday night at 6 p.m.

Trees on display during this 33rd annual Foundation Fantasy highlighted 57 Christmas Trees and displays all decorated by individuals, businesses and many groups around the area. Many individuals worked, served, and donated to this community celebration.


Raising Awareness of Diabetes - Part 4: Risk Factors and Prevention of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Managing Type 1 Diabetes ... November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Jeremy Kolsrud of Waukon knows first-hand that Type 1 Diabetes is not only diagnosed in children. He is pictured here with his medical provider, Alex Berns, NP, and Angie Mettille, Diabetes Educator. “At 52, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Managing diabetes requires lifelong adjustments, including dietary changes and regular monitoring. For me, many of these changes turned out to be positive - I improved my diet and overall health.” Submitted photo.

by: Angie Mettille, RN, BSN, CDCES

Diabetes, a chronic condition that affects how the body processes glucose, is one of the most prevalent health concerns worldwide. While both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are related to high blood sugar levels, they have distinct causes, risk factors, and management strategies. Understanding these differences is crucial for prevention, early detection, and effective treatment.

Type 1 diabetes is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This form of diabetes typically manifests in childhood or early adulthood, although it can occur at any age. While the exact cause remains unknown, several risk factors have been identified:


November is National Home Care Month; A hidden gem available in Allamakee County

VMH Community and Home Care services available ... November is Home Care Month. Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care is a locally-based, home health care agency serving Allamakee and the surrounding counties. Registered nurses and certified home care aides travel the Allamakee County area and beyond to offer assistance to individuals who wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible or need some assistance while they are recovering from an illness or recent surgery, often times after being hospitalized. This service has proven to be just what Sarah Murray of Lansing needed following her spinal cord injury. She states, “It was such a relief to find just what I needed. All of their care is so good. They are so gentle, personable and have all become a part of the family.” Submitted photo.

Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care is a locally-based, home health care agency serving Allamakee and the surrounding counties. Registered nurses and certified home care aides travel the Allamakee County area and beyond to offer assistance to individuals who wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible, or who need some assistance while they are recovering from an illness or recent surgery, often times after being hospitalized.


The healing power of forest bathing: Connecting with nature for wellness

Forest bathing provides variety of benefits ... Chris Sekorski of Gundersen’s Unity House participates in forest bathing on a recent morning in La Crosse, WI. Submitted photo.

In a world filled with constant hustle and bustle, finding moments of tranquility and peace can be a challenge. However, a practice known as forest bathing is gaining recognition at Gundersen Health System for its remarkable benefits in promoting overall well-being. As more individuals seek solace in nature, one local expert is shedding light on the healing power of forest bathing.

Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku in Japanese, is the practice of immersing oneself in the natural environment, particularly forests, to enhance mental, emotional, and physical health. It involves mindfully engaging with nature, using all five senses to connect with the surroundings.


Raising Awareness of Diabetes in Children - Part 3: Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

Managing Type 1 Diabetes ... When Type 1 Diabetes is diagnosed, children require a comprehensive treatment plan to manage their condition effectively. Breckan Stewart of Waukon was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was 11 years old and manages it very well. As the years have passed, she has helped others in the community cope with their new diagnosis of diabetes by her willingness to answer their questions and supporting them through the many challenges. Submitted photo.

by: Angie Mettille, RN, BSN, CDCES

When Type 1 Diabetes is diagnosed, children require a comprehensive treatment plan to manage their condition effectively. The Symptoms and Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children were discussed in previous articles published in The Standard, Part 1 (November 6) and Part 2 (November 13).

Since the pancreas produces little to no insulin in Type 1 Diabetes, as discussed in Part 2, children with Type 1 Diabetes must receive insulin through injections or an insulin pump. Oral medications are currently not an option for Type 1 diabetes treatment, nor are the newer weekly injectable medications popular for treating Type 2 Diabetes.


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