

The advantages of 3D mammograms

3D mammography at VMH ... October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Advances in early detection, such as the 3D digital mammography machine at Veterans Memorial Hospital, and treatment methods have significantly increased breast cancer survival rates in recent years. Pictured above is Renee Stokman, Mammographer, with a patient at the 3D mammography machine at the hospital. Submitted photo.

by Renee Stokman, Mammographer, Veterans Memorial Hospital

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here are some recent breast cancer statistics:
• Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers.
• It is estimated that in 2024, approximately 30% of all new female cancer diagnoses will be breast cancer.
• On average, every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States.
• Approximately 66% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed at a localized stage, before cancer has spread outside of the breast, when it is easiest to treat.
• The 5-year relative survival rate for cancer diagnosed at the localized stage is 99%.
• Approximately 15% of women diagnosed have a family history of breast cancer. Those with a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) with breast cancer are nearly twice as likely to develop breast cancer themselves.


Grief Support Group to meet at Veterans Memorial Hospital

The local Grief Support Group will be holding its monthly meeting at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in Waukon Tuesday, November 12, at 4 p.m. in the Meditation Healing Center, located just inside the main entrance of the hospital. Be sure to make note of the 4 p.m. start time. This start time will continue for the November, December, January and February Grief Support Group meetings and will return to 5 p.m. in the spring.

This informal meeting is open to anyone suffering from any type of loss, whether it be death, divorce, illness or some other grief.

Feel free to attend and bring a friend. This grief support group meets the second Tuesday of each month at Veterans Memorial Hospital.


Christmas Fantasy 2024; Make reservations and plan to attend this year’s events

33rd Annual Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation Christmas Fantasy ... The theme of the 33rd annual Veterans Memorial Hospital Health Care Foundation’s Christmas Fantasy is “Gnome for the Holidays!” The Fantasy will be held November 15-18, at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon. Reservations are now being accepted for the popular Saturday night Wine, Cheese and Dessert event, the Monday Christmas Fantasy Luncheon and the new “Brunch with Santa” event Sunday morning. Table decorators for the Saturday night Wine, Cheese and Dessert event, pictured above, are still being accepted. Call 563-568-4177 to make a reservation for any of these events. Submitted photos.

The Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation Christmas Fantasy returns this year with a new event, “Brunch with Santa” Sunday morning. Reservations are being taken now for the Foundation’s 33rd annual event which will be held Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, November 15, 16, 17, and 18, at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon. The theme is “Gnome for the Holidays!”

Reservations are available for the Saturday evening Wine, Cheese and Dessert event held from 7-9 p.m. Saturday evening, November 16. This year the event will be sponsored by the Eagle’s Landing Winery of Marquette, the Empty Nest Winery of Waukon and Madigan’s Winery of Lansing. They will all be serving a variety of their finest wines and entertainment will be provided that evening.


Flu Shots continue at VMH Community and Home Care-Allamakee Public Health

Flu shots recommended for all ages ... Flu Shots continue to be offered by Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Community and Home Care/Allamakee Public Health and are important for all ages, not just older adults. Walk-In clinics will continue to be held each Wednesday morning through November 13 from 9-11:30 a.m. at VMH or appointments can be made for any Wednesday afternoon by calling Allamakee Public Health at 563-568-5660. Submitted photo.

Flu Shots continue to be offered throughout the county by Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Community and Home Care/Allamakee Public Health.  The walk-in schedule for flu shots at Veterans Memorial Hospital will continue all Wednesdays including October 23 and 30, as well as the first two Wednesdays of November, including November 6 and 13. Walk-in clinics are held from 9-11:30 a.m. plus appointments can be made for Wednesday afternoons by calling 563-568-5660.

Medicare does cover the cost of the flu shot. Billing for vaccinations will be completed by the Community and Home Care staff, but participants will need to bring their Medicare number or private insurance card with them. If insurance does not cover these immunizations, they can be purchased instead.


Blood Donor Day set; Blood shortages very high

The demand for blood is very high and everyone can help. The next LifeServe Blood Center blood drive will be held Monday, November 4, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in south Waukon.

The LifeServe Blood Center supplies Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) with blood and blood products. Here are some interesting blood facts:


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Be diligent for early detection

3D digital mammography at VMH ... October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pictured above is the 3D digital mammography machine at Veterans Memorial Hospital, offering state-of-the art technology for early detection and survival. Submitted photo.

According to the American Cancer Society, one in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. In 2024, an estimated 310,720 women and 2,800 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

Advances in early detection and treatment methods have significantly increased breast cancer survival rates in recent years. When caught in its earliest stages, the five-year relative survival rate is 99%. In the United States, there are currently over four million breast cancer survivors.


Grief Support Group to meet at Veterans Memorial Hospital

The local Grief Support Group will be holding its monthly meeting at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in Waukon Tuesday, November 12, at 4 p.m. in the Meditation Healing Center, located just inside the main entrance of the hospital. Be sure to make note of the 4 p.m. start time. This start time will continue for the November, December, January and February Grief Support Group meetings and will return to 5 p.m. in the spring.

This informal meeting is open to anyone suffering from any type of loss, whether it be death, divorce, illness or some other grief.

Feel free to attend and bring a friend. This grief support group meets the second Tuesday of each month at Veterans Memorial Hospital.


Stroke Support Group to meet November 7 at VMH; General public is welcome to attend

Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Speech-Language Pathologist Steven Mazzafield offers a Stroke Support Group for individuals who have experienced a stroke, as well as caregivers and family members affected by stroke.

Monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 2 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. The next Stroke Support Group meeting will be held Thursday, November 7, at 2 p.m. in the Large Conference Room.  

The Stoke Support Group provides opportunities to share tips, tricks, or trials among participants, offer support for caregivers, and provide an opportunity for socialization.

While strokes can happen at any age, risk of stroke is greatest as people get older with the majority of strokes occurring after the age of 70. Risk factors for stroke include obesity, sedentary lifestyle, binge drinking, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.


Healthcare Career “Faces of the Future” Day is a huge success

Healthcare Career “Faces of the Future” Day at VMH ... The Veterans Memorial Hospital’s Large Conference Room was filled to capacity with thirty-three high school students from the area school systems who eagerly signed-up to attend the “Faces of the Future” health care career day October 7. Pictured above is a scene of the filled room, with Corinne Cook, RN and event coordinator, pictured in the back. Submitted photo.

October 7, 2024, a “Faces of the Future” health care career day was held at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) thanks to the coordination of Corinne Cook, RN, and Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC). The hospital’s Large Conference Room was completely filled with thirty-three high school students from the area school systems who quickly signed-up to attend this filled to capacity event.

These students spent the school day at the hospital learning about a wide variety of health care careers including nursing, nursing assistant, health information management/medical records, medical assistant, phlebotomy, clinical, respiratory therapy, laboratory, x-ray, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, sports medicine, pharmacy, nutrition, dietetics, behavioral health, home care, dental assistant, chiropractic, surgery, paramedic and emergency medical technician.


Flu Shots continue at VMH Community and Home Care-Allamakee Public Health

Flu shots available at VMH ... Flu Shots continue to be offered by Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care/Allamakee Public Health. Walk-In clinics are held each Wednesday morning in October from 9-11:30 a.m. at Veterans Memorial Hospital or appointments can be made any Wednesday afternoon by calling Allamakee Public Health at 563-568-5660. Submitted photo.

Flu Shots continue to be offered throughout the county by Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care/Allamakee Public Health.  The walk-in schedule for flu shots at Veterans Memorial Hospital will continue all Wednesdays in October, including October 16, 23 and 30, as well as the first two Wednesdays of November, including November 6 and 13.  Walk-in clinics are held from 9-11:30 a.m. plus appointments can be made any Wednesday afternoons by calling 563-568-5660.

Flu shot clinics have also been held all around Allamakee County this month. One still remains in Harpers Ferry, Wednesday, October 16 from 9-11 a.m. at the Harpers Ferry Community Center.

Medicare does cover the cost of vaccines. Billing for vaccinations will be completed by the Community and Home Care staff, but participants will need to bring their Medicare number or private insurance card with them. If insurance does not cover these immunizations, they can be purchased instead.


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