To the Editor:
Congratulations to the Class of 2024. You may have heard a few commencement speeches already, but in a few short paragraphs I will give you one of my own.
Commencement is defined as a start or a beginning. Some changes in your life are welcome during this time, but others are more challenging. Now you can no longer expect your parents to pay for everything for you. However, even in this period of change some things remain the same - your character, for example.
I remember those in my high school who were great people to be around. Then at my five, ten, and fifteen-year high school reunions they remained the same great people. Then there were others about whom I would have to say, “well, not so much”.
The good news is that even if you find yourself in the “well, not so much” category, there is still time to change. Remember, commencement can mean a new beginning.