

Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Pat Ward

To the Editor:

Well, as a combat veteran and a believer in the United States Constitution, I was just wondering how many people who served in the military for Iowa and this country will join in soon to celebrate our 250-plus year old United States Constitution. I know many members who will and did follow a man who wants to destroy our United States Constitution and to just throw it away as if it never meant anything.

So, why would they celebrate only to benefit a very few? Sounds just like a big money draft to me. I asked our State of Iowa senators to stop using our United States flag to represent a cult, and got no reply. That shows me their real color.

Pat Ward



Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Tom Teff

To the Editor:

Be happy. Don’t worry.

Satan the Devil loves abortion. Satan loves those who promote abortion. Satan loves transgender sex-change surgeries for minors. Satan loves same-sex marriages. Satan loves no prayer or Ten Commandments in public schools.

Don’t worry. Be happy.

Tom Teff



Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Arlen L. Wonderlich, DVM

To the Editor:

Recently, I needed to have some foot surgery. Living in Lansing, I had many choices for my surgeon and the surgical hospital team. I chose Craig P. Sullivan, DPM at the Gundersen Clinic in Decorah. Dr. Sullivan gave me the choice of which hospital I wanted for my surgery, to which I replied, “Why not Waukon VMH!”.

The surgery was scheduled for eight o’clock and right on time after the surgery prep, I was wheeled into the surgery suite. I had to return to VMH to remove a pin that was placed into my toe. A special effort was made to fit this second visit to the surgeon into my schedule. A special expression of appreciation goes out to Dr. Sullivan, the surgical team at VMH and staff for their friendly, professional care.

Arlen L. Wonderlich, DVM



Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Ann Fields

To the Editor:

Like most Iowans, I believe in fairness. I believe that my tax dollars should be spent for public goods - public education, public roads, public court systems, public fire and law enforcement, etc.

With over 30,000 approved vouchers for 2024-2025, the cost is over $234 million going to private schools and an additional $1.1 million of fees going to an out-of-state business.  According to the Iowa Department of Revenue, there are 1.71 million individual taxpayers. This computes to $137/taxpayer that will go to private schools and an out-of-state business.

An average of 61% of rural counties do not have private schools. Most private schools are in large cities. That means that rural tax dollars (my $137 and your $137) are being given to large cities, not to rural communities.

Is this fair? Why should my tax dollars go to private schools and an out-of-state business?


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Jim Magner

To the Editor:

The Allamakee County Fair Board did a great job of putting together a week of entertainment for county residents and visitors. It all appeared well attended each night, and while working a booth during the day, plenty of activity was happening.

New improvements, such as the extended beer tent area and allowing single-night grandstand tickets, were excellent ideas. More food stands and vendors give more choices to visitors and also complement the regular 4-H food stand with more people eating out at the fair.

On another note, our State Fair is upon us and the Iowa State Fair is rated in the top five of State Fairs in the nation, last I read. It would be nice if a county institution or organization would sponsor a bus or transportation to our state capital for senior citizens and others who would like to attend but lack the means to get there.


Word for Word 7/31/24

Pastor Abraham Faugstad
Pastor Abraham Faugstad

Six Key Words for a Blessed & Happy Marriage

What is bigger: a quarter or the sun? This isn’t a trick question. So, what’s bigger: a quarter or the sun? Well, of course, we can all agree that the sun is much bigger than a quarter.  Yet, if we hold a quarter in front of our eyes, it can block the entire sun. Although the diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles wider than a quarter, if a quarter is held before our eyes, it can look bigger than the sun. Perspectives matter.

A husband loves his wife, and a wife loves her husband. Our spouses are the well-spring of many of life’s greatest blessings. Whether it be in our marriage or relationships with others, we often have a great love for the other person. However, because of our pride, their sins and failures can seem bigger than the person we love. Just as a quarter can look bigger than the sun when it is right before our eyes.


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Rev. Cathy Jurgens, Rev. Dr. Grant VanderVelden and Rev. Kim Gates

To the Editor:

I hope by now you’ve heard of Corner of Hope and the great things they are doing in this county to raise money to assist with agriculture needs in other parts of the world. The Standard has done a great job of educating all of us about the great work they and their parent organization, Growing Hope Globally, have done.

You may have even heard about the annual summer celebration Growing Hope Globally is having here this weekend. But what you may not have heard is that the local churches didn’t stop there.


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Ann Fields

To the Editor:

The Heritage Foundation has published Project 2025, a 900-plus page document outlining policies that will be implemented if its supporters win the presidency in 2025. This plan takes away individual freedoms, rewards big business, and gives absolute power to the President.


Letter to the Editor: Submitted by Ozzie (Osmund) Quandahl

To the Editor:

It’s been some time since I wrote a letter. It’s hard work for me, and my age doesn’t help - 98 in November, but here goes. Over these many years, I have seen a lot of changes, and most not for the best.

Way back in 1980, I heard a farmer speak. He had just lost a court deal. He said very loudly we should line up all the lawyers in the USA and get rid of every other one and we would still have twice as many as we need. Wow, that was quite the statement, but now, 50 years later, he might have been on track.

Look at our Congress, not very highly respected, below 20% approval. If Congress was made up of farmers and businessmen, we would have a better country. Our government took the Bible, Ten Commandments and anything Christian out of our schools. Christian school teachers could not wear a cross or anything Christian.


Word for Word 7/10/24

Pastor Diane Koschmeder

Awe. Awesome. Surprise. Overwhelming. The unknowable, inexpressible. Joy. Wonder.

What do these words mean to you? Old, confusing words? Something that takes your breath away. A beautiful sunset, a baby’s smile, ocean waves landing gracefully on the beach, a stranger who stops to help someone who has fallen, music that captures our attention with its beauty. Gazing at the Grand Canyon. All these things may bring, in us, a feeling of awe. They may be big things or they may be small. But we are changed by them.

The Bible abounds with awe. Glory to God in the highest! Praise the Lord! Fall on your knees in wonder. Moses at the burning bush that somehow doesn’t burn up. Water that flows from a rock. A blind man sees, a beggar is healed, an angel comes to Mary. These are all things that we can’t explain, even when they are right in front of us. Sometimes we take them for granted. We need to improve our seeing. We need to pay attention with open minds and hearts.


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